
  • Brand Owner
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  • Wine Makers
    • Hospitality

    Ranojoy Banerjee

    Kolkata, India


    • Hospitality

    Linda Milagros Violago

    Canada (for now)

    Itinerant Sommelier - Consulting / Restaurants / Private

    • Hospitality

    Chris Goodale

    London/Kent, UK

    Wine Manager & Sommelier

    • Hospitality

    Dominic Smith


    Sommelier @The Clove Club

    • Hospitality

    Alden Joseph Jaques


    Head Sommelier

    • Hospitality

    Fikayo Ifaturoti


    Sommelier @67 Pall Mall

    • Hospitality

    Cameron Bownes

    House Manager

    • Hospitality

    Henna Zinzuwadia

    London, UK

    Assistant General Manager/Sommelier

    • Hospitality

    Audrey Annoh-Antwi

    London, UK

    Sommelier/Front Of House

    • Hospitality

    Sonal Clare

    Birmingham, West Midlands

    Head Sommelier


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