Kyra Kilmer

Creator of Speak Wine To Me: chronicles from the wine hustle – Paris, France.
SWTM  chronicles the best, worst and everything in between of life in the real world of wine.  Behind the king-size oysters and  vintage Champagne, for some, the hustle is real – at least from the outside looking in. For those who drink wine and want to love it out loud without a qualification or a thesaurus, I feel you. Wine can be elegant or simple, illustrious or plain. It can be a natural beauty or an over-embellished beast. Wine can be interesting, fun, delicious and deliciously complex. And most of all, it can be enjoyed by everyone  and should be without embarrassment or reluctance. Welcome to the world of wine as you (and I) like it. All fans of the juice invited! No budget is too small (or high if you roll like that), no occasion too modest, no style too simple and nobody unworthy to sip along through my trips and (someday to be realized) triumphs through the pretentious madness of  it all to create a place in this industry that speaks wine to me. While this site may not be for everyone, all content is based on the no bullsh*t day to day truth of living, breathing and loving wine for all it’s worth. Again, I welcome you and thank you in advance for your thoughts and shares.


Certified specialist of wine

French wine scholar

Master certification in Burgundy wine

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